Using calculators is a fantastic way to do calculations with your client directly in the meeting: avoid Excel ROI files or incorrect number crunching! It also adds a layer of interactivity that makes the meeting more engaging.
There are several widgets that can interact with the calculator, such as sliders and buttons.
Using a calculator is much like typing an equation into an Excel field.
To learn how to build a calculation in Prezentor, watch the video below:
If you'd like explore all the possible formulas that you can use in the calculator bar, here is a list:
abs(x) - returns absolute value of x.
acos(x) - returns the arccosine of a number 'x' in radians
asin(x) - returns the arcsin of a number 'x' in radians
atan(x) - returns the arctangent of a number 'x' in radians
ceil(x) - rounds the number 'x' passed as parameter to its nearest integer in Upward direction of rounding
cos(x) - returns a numeric value between -1 and 1, which represents the cosine of the angle given in radians
sin(x) - returns the sine of a number 'x'
tan(x): returns the tangent of a number 'x'
exp(x) - returns the value of Ex, where E is Euler's number and x is the number passed to it
floor(x) - decreases the given number up to the closest integer value
log(x) - returns the natural logarithm (base E) of a 'x'
pow(base, exponent) - returns a number representing the given base raised to the power of the given exponent
random() - random number between [0, 1]
sqrt(x) - square root of number x
if(if_value,then_value,else_value) - if statement
and(x,y) - logical 'and'
or(x,y) - logical 'or'
not(x) - logical 'not'
xor(x,y) - logical 'xor'
SUM(x1, x2, ..., x(n))
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