1. Getting Started
All you need to know about the fundamentals of Prezentor.
2. User Management
Adding, deleting, and managing users
3. Content Hub
How to upload and manage files, as well as sharing options.
4. Content Creation
Learn how to use all of our features in the backend editor.
5. Action Menu
Learn how to navigate the App.
6. Tracking and Reports
Understand how to track content as well as get the most out of your reports.
7. Integrations
See which integrations are possible, and how to set them up.
8. Billing
Everything you need to know about payment and pricing.
Understanding GDPR and how to use Prezentor to comply.
10. Configurator
How to use the Configurator and its related features and widgets.
11. Sales Guidance
Tips and tutorials on demand for sellers, directly in the Prezentor app
12. Release notes