We have released a new insights section in the Prezentor backend.
N.B. Users will only see insights based on all users' activity they have access rights to. Users with no access rights to the specific user unit selected will only see usage stats based on their own usage. If in doubt, ask your admin about access rights, or contact support@prezentor.com.
In the dashboard, Prezentor users will find data and graphs that give an overview of the overall users' activity in the company.
Open the filter menu by clicking the arrow on the right side, where it is possible to select the time frame and filter the results down to individual countries, departments, teams, and even specific users:
Top Dashboard metrics
In our new insights dashboard, Prezentor users will be able to see:
Total content views – the total number of times any type of content (files and presentations in meetings and just directly from the Content hub) has been viewed on the app and by the end user within the selected period by the defined user unit.
Meeting content views (internal views) - the number of times any type of content (files, presentations) has been viewed within the selected time period by the defined user unit during meeting sessions (both in the app and on the web).
Emails/links content views (external views) - the number of times any type of content (files, presentations) shared by the defined user unit has been viewed by recipients within the selected period.
Total content shares - The number of times any type of content (files, presentations) has been shared by the defined user unit within the selected period.
Content engagement - The ratio of the number of clicks (views) to the number of links and emails shared by the defined user unit within the selected period.
Trending content
The trending content section shows the 10 top-performing content pieces, based on what is "most popular" (most used) with the selected user unit within your organization, and what external users find "most engaging", i.e. the content external users have interacted with the most.
Top users analytics
At the bottom of the dashboard page, you will also find the top 10 active users within the selected time period and user unit.
You can select each user to see detailed stats, including the number of sessions conducted within the selected time frame, as well as their total shares and the content they've used the most:
Content insights
In the Content section of the new insights tab, users will find more detailed stats on content.
It is possible to select a time frame and filter the results down by country, department, team, and user, in the same way as for the dashboard section.
Top content metrics
In the Content insights users will be able to see:
Files used - the total number of files that have been viewed and shared internally and externally, within the selected period. This includes:
- Files opened directly in the Content hub.
- Files opened during the meeting sessions.
- Files shared via email or link.
PRZ used – the number of presentations (PRZ files) that have been viewed and shared internally and externally within the selected period. This includes:
- Presentations opened on the app and in the web meetings.
- Presentations shared via email or link.
Session views – the number of times presentations (PRZ) and files have been viewed internally and externally within the selected period. This includes:
Presentations views:
- Internally - on the app and in web meetings (meeting sessions).
- Externally – when shared via email or link and viewed afterwards.
Files views:
- Internally - on the app (meeting sessions) and directly from the Content hub.
- Externally – when shared via email or link.
Content shares – the number of times presentations (PRZ) and files have been shared externally via link and email within the selected period.
Trending content
The trending content section shows the 10 top-performing content pieces, based on what is "most popular" (most used) with the selected user unit within your organization, and what external users find "most engaging", i.e. the content external users have interacted with the most.
Content engagement
Content engagement is the clicks-to-shares ratio for both files and presentations shared via email and links within the selected time period. It is based only on external views.
Top files
A list of the top performing files based on the sum of:
- Internal views – the number of file views during meeting sessions or directly in the Content Hub
- External views – the number of views when the file was shared via email or link
- Shares via links - the number of times a file was shared via links
- Shares via email - the number of times a file was shared via email
When selecting a file, the user can see more detailed stats on views and shares:
Top presentations
This list shows the top 5 used presentations, based on the sum of:
- Internal views – the number of views on the app and in web meeting sessions.
- External views – the number of views when a presentation was shared via email or link.
- Shares (links + emails) – the total number of times a presentation was shared via email or link.
Select a presentation to see detailed statistics, including:
- Number of pages in the latest published version.
- Number of pages that have been viewed in average.
- The average time spent viewing the presentation.
- Number of times the presentation was shared via email.
- Number of times the presentation was shared as a link.
- The most active sellers – list of the top 5 sellers (within the selected user unit) that have been using the presentation within the selected time frame.
- The top 5 pages - based on the number of views (both during meetings and externally after the presentation has been shared).
- Heat map (Coming soon) - will show the focus areas on top pages, based on data collected from views on the app, in web meetings, and by the end users.
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