Creating buttons can be a very effective way for activating different content and outcomes.
Here we will describe how to create a button.
1. Create the “Background” for the Button, for example a Text Field with the option “Yes”
2. Click the Widget “Checkbox” on the right hand side and choose your Checkbox, for example “Square”
3. You will now see a checkbox, and this is the one we are going to transform into a Button.
4. Make the checkbox as big as needed.
5. Now click this area.
6. Click "Border" and drag the transparency slider all the way to the left.
7. Do the same for “Background”, “Checked border”, “Checkmark”, “Checked background” and remember to click “Done” (You may also insert “rgba(86, 86, 86, 0)” where the color code goes)
8. Now your checkbox is an invisible button!
You can use these invisible buttons to trigger actions within your Configurator set up.
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